Six Kenyan police personnel killed in ambush near Somalia
Six police personnel in north-east Kenya have been killed after assailants attacked…
The would-be African nation in love with Donald Trump
Many people in Somaliland are convinced that the United States, under the…
Ethiopia and Somalia vow to strengthen ties
The diplomatic dispute between Ethiopia and Somalia that had led to tense…
Somali piracy 2.0 – the BBC meets the new robbers of the high seas
Two Somali fishermen wearing big scarves over their heads to hide their…
The city where shopkeepers fear their CCTV cameras could get them killed
Shop owners in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, are caught between a rock and…
Ethiopia and Somalia agree to end bitter Somaliland port feud
Ethiopia and Somalia have agreed to end their bitter dispute over Addis…
Risking death to smuggle alcohol past Somali bandits and Islamist fighters
Alcohol smuggler Guled Diriye is exhausted. He has just returned from his…
‘Why I spent my university fees on Somali TikTok battles’
Scrolling through Zara’s transactions shows she has spent thousands of dollars on…
Backlash over photos of Somali men at UN women’s conference
Outrage has erupted on social media after Somalia’s Family Minister Gen Bashir…
Climate change is turbo-charging Somalia’s problems – but there’s still hope
Somalia may be one of the poorest countries in the world and…